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Hi everyone!  This is my website.  It is always under construction. Please look at what I have assembled, and know there is more to come. Thanks.

- Kent

My family came to L.A. every couple years to spend Christmas with my mother’s parents. I don’t have any strong memories of my grandmother because she died when I was six years old. But my grandfather, a transplant from the Northeast, owned a biker bar in Canoga Park.  After a long day at Disneyland, where my mother came down with a bad case of diarrhea, and my brothers and I were bored from riding the only two halfway decent rides for six hours, and where my father was still bitching about the pollution, the overpopulation, and the bikers shooting-the-lanes on the highway, we would go to my grandfather’s bar, where he would serve us the best hamburgers with cherry flavored Coca-Cola and kosher pickles. We would listen to live country music until we fell asleep in a red vinyl booth.


“Kent’s work, while very much aware of its artistic and social context, does not wear this self-consciousness on its sleeve. It often has a fugitive quality, as if it has slipped into this time and place from another (although precisely which is not easy to say and is often variable). This slipperiness is due to the fact that Kent’s art does not go out of its way to announce itself as argument, but rather allows the viewer to realize its immanent rhetorical nature under his or her own power. It is an art that has fully digested the lessons of conceptualism and is bent on reinventing immediately identifiable “forms” of art (painting, sculpture, performance) from the inside.”

- Miles Coolidge